

Stock FX Cryptocurrency Reversal Point Selling

As is common to all stock Forex cryptocurrencies, anyone who knows the buy-to-sell reversal point and the sell-to-buy reversal point can live almost 100% as a professional trader. The initial selling and buying from the reversal point is very strong and it is also the most delicious point because it can take a large price range.

Forex discretion or automated trading tool, which one can win?

This article is for those who are about to start Forex, or those who are doing Forex but are interested in either discretion or FX automated trading tools. Which one can win? I think there are a lot of things to worry about, such as which one will be the total plus and whether even beginners can win.

Stocks, FX, virtual currencies downtrend change signal

If you catch a turning point in a big picture in stocks, Forex, and virtual currencies, hold a long position, and get a large price range, you will be able to win stably with a probability of almost 90% or more, become a total plus, and specialize. You will be able to live as a professional trader.

Cryptocurrency ICO scam

In recent years, the market for virtual currencies has been expanding steadily. It's not about one country, but cryptocurrencies are spreading all over the world. If you are interested in cryptocurrencies, you may have heard the word "ICO". While there are rumors that it is extremely profitable, there are constant stories of fraud. There must be as many people as there are stars who have actually invested and escaped with their money.

FX Stock Cryptocurrency Trend Follower has the longest life

I have seen FX stock cryptocurrencies and traders in many fields so far. Although I have been trading for 2 years, I have maintained a total plus with the trend follower strategy. I met various people and realized that they had many things in common.

FX, stock market forecast for 2022

No one can predict what will happen in the forex world in the short term. However, it seems possible to guess what the national power of each country will be in one or two years, so this time I tried to predict the near future of major countries. Let's make a prediction, including whether the national currency will have power in the future, whether it will decline or rise.

Health care required for professional traders

Forex, stocks and crypto traders are constantly struggling with fear and anxiety. Whenever you cut a loss, it is painful and stressful. Even if you get a large price range and the unrealized gain swells greatly, you may fight the fear that an unexpected reversal will occur and the unrealized gain will decrease. Professional traders always have fear and anxiety.
Cryptocurrency Company

Stock FX virtual currency

Stocks, Forex and cryptocurrencies all generally have large price movements and are said to be high risk and high return. If you are an expert with some ability, you will be able to continue winning without worrying about the market price. However, I think it is difficult for beginners to understand which one can win.

Forex beginners must-see entry disease

If you want to become a full-time Forex trader or a beginner in Forex, please take a look. There are a certain number of people who can't stand it unless they always enter some kind of entry, such as poppy disease or entry disease. This is a sickness that will continue to be meaningless loss cuts, unable to accumulate profits, or may result in negative monthly profits.

Forex beginners must-see range market price

Is there any Forex beginner who is fighting with a strategy to win by taking a price range in the range? I hope you find this article useful. There are many Forex currency pairs that are prone to range quotes.