[Stocks, Forex, Cryptocurrencies] Meerkat healing necessary for investment traders


Traders are always under pressure, whether forex, stocks or cryptocurrencies. Unlike other professions, traders are constantly under great stress in professions where they always have to worry about big market flows. Traders are therefore a profession that needs healing. The mongoose companion, the meerkat, is a popular animal that has been in great demand in recent years. Meerkats are now distributed around the world as popular pets.


Traders are mentally burdensome professions

Whether it’s stocks, Forex or cryptocurrencies, the profession of a trader is under heavy load. People in the profession of such traders need moderate healing. It’s hard to live under the mental pressure every day. At such times, animals become partners who heal their hearts.


Meerkats are small animals with a total length of 30 cm. Large cages can be kept without problems. Meerkats have a habit of digging holes in the ground. In addition, his personality is so curious that humans can enjoy it.


Mammals Carnivora Mongoose family Meerkats classified in the genus Suricata. Meerkats live on the African continent and inhabit Angola and Namibia. They prefer wastelands and savanna areas, and their food is insects, small reptiles, plant stems, shoots and roots. Meerkats prefer a warm environment, so it’s important to keep the room temperature above 25 ° C. Meerkats are diurnal. It is diurnal and lives a very regular life, coming out at sunrise from a burrow dug in the ground and returning at sunset.


Meerkats have a curious personality and tend to do whatever they care about. Therefore, it is an animal that can play with humans and has a friendly personality. Meerkats are very cautious, so it takes time to get used to them.


Meerkats can live in the wild for about 10 years. However, they can live for about 12-15 years in captivity.


The cultivated form is embryo. It usually breeds from October to April. It has a gestation period of 11 weeks and can give birth to 2-5 cubs at a time. Newborn children will be able to open their eyes in about two weeks. Children begin to eat solids one month after birth.

Breeding costs

Meerkats can be bred for around $ 50 a month.


At a minimum, the following tools are required to breed meerkats.

The food is generally mixed for dogs and cats or fed with ferret food. Recently, meerkat foods have been released, so let’s combine them for feeding.


The toilet is also an essential tool. You can train the toilet, so if you take the time, you will be able to remember it well.


Meerkats are also well-moving animals. When the owner is absent, keep it in the cage. Prepare a large cage.


Meerkats need to keep their room temperature above 20 ° C. Meerkats are desert creatures and cannot live in cold environments.


