
Forex Company

Global Forex Company Traders Trust Currency Pair

Traders Trust is a Forex trader that has been operating without any major problems since it was established in 2009. We handle many currency pairs, 44 FX currency pairs, and 2 types of precious metals.
Cryptocurrency Company

Global Forex Company FXGT Currency Pair

FXGT is a hybrid exchange that started service in December 2019, and the biggest merit is that you can trade abundant stocks such as virtual currencies.
Forex Company

Global Forex Company XM Trading Currency Pair

XM Trading is one of the largest Forex trading companies in the world. The types of XM currency pairs are "FX 57 types, commodities 8 types, stock index 18 types, energy 5 types, precious metals 4 types". Therefore, it can be traded in a very wide range and is also a recommended trader.