

Stock FX virtual currency Conditions for quitting a worker

Many people start investing because they want to quit their jobs. Among the investments, stocks, FX and virtual currencies are very popular. The reason is that unlike other investments, if you can win, you will be able to make a lot of money from this month. I have seen 10 people who have quit their jobs and become full-time traders. She has seen such people, so I thought about the conditions for them to quit their jobs and afterwards.

Stocks, FX, virtual currencies uptrend turning signal

If you catch a turning point in a big picture in stocks, Forex, and virtual currencies, hold a long position, and get a large price range, you will be able to win stably with a probability of almost 90% or more, become a total plus, and specialize. You will be able to live as a professional trader. But the question that arises here is how to find the turning point of the trend.

Stock FX Cryptocurrency International Romance Scams and Countermeasures

International romance scams are spreading worldwide. This is the act of using SNS (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook), matching apps, and dating apps to show the pretense of dating the other party and deceive the other party.

Stock FX Cryptocurrency Profit taking and stop-loss points

While trading in stocks, Forex, or cryptocurrencies, don't you worry about where to take profit when you have unrealized gains? Also, don't you worry about where to stop the loss when you lose money? In this article, I write about when to settle by trading.

Forex Trader Only one currency pair is dangerous

Traders who have become able to win in Forex tend to narrow down the currency pairs they trade. This is fine, but if you are a winning trader, it is dangerous to limit your investment to just one. The field of view may be narrowed, but the market is not always moving according to how you win. At one point it can be a range and at another point it can be full of trends.

Forex high-value automated trading tools

The number of people who trade using automated trading tools in Forex today is increasing worldwide. Automated trading tools range from free to expensive. However, in recent years, there have been a lot of bad guys selling too expensive automated trading tools. It sells with the slogan that the winning percentage is 99% or more, the absolute win is possible, and the monthly profit is 50% or more. Most of the companies sell with an emphasis on added value, but do you know that it is essentially the same whether it is free or expensive? This time, it is an article that calls attention.

Stock FX Cryptocurrency Reversal Point Selling

As is common to all stock Forex cryptocurrencies, anyone who knows the buy-to-sell reversal point and the sell-to-buy reversal point can live almost 100% as a professional trader. The initial selling and buying from the reversal point is very strong and it is also the most delicious point because it can take a large price range.

Forex discretion or automated trading tool, which one can win?

This article is for those who are about to start Forex, or those who are doing Forex but are interested in either discretion or FX automated trading tools. Which one can win? I think there are a lot of things to worry about, such as which one will be the total plus and whether even beginners can win.

Stocks, FX, virtual currencies downtrend change signal

If you catch a turning point in a big picture in stocks, Forex, and virtual currencies, hold a long position, and get a large price range, you will be able to win stably with a probability of almost 90% or more, become a total plus, and specialize. You will be able to live as a professional trader.
Forex Company

Global Forex Company Axiory Summary

Axiory is a Forex company established in 2015. AXIORY is a trader specializing in scalping, day trading and automated trading. Spreads are narrow and stable, so it can be said that it specializes in scalping. Axiory is a trader with a large number of brands. Forex currency pair 62, precious metal 4, energy 5, stock 78, stock index 10 are quite substantial. It is abundant compared to other companies in the same industry.