Invest Canada’s economic indicators Canadian economic indicators have a significant impact on Canadian currency pairs. You need to know, but not all. 2021.11.18 InvestKnowledge
Invest American economic indicators US economic indicators have a great influence on the flow of charts. Forex traders need to understand what the US economic indicators are. 2021.11.17 InvestKnowledge
Invest To be able to win in Forex In order to be able to win in Forex, you must first find a method and repeat one method thoroughly, and eventually you will be able to win. 2021.11.16 InvestKnowledge
Invest Forex indicators should be limited Forex indicators should be limited, because if you put in a lot, you will not know what to trade, and you will panic because you do not know what to trade as an index. 2021.11.15 InvestKnowledge
Invest Growth curve Forex cannot win suddenly. Any super trader loses a lot at first. Crawl up from there and become a professional trader. 2021.11.14 InvestKnowledge
Invest Number of trades = profit does not always increase The number of trades = profit is not always the case. Even if you trade a lot, you may lose all your money in one trade. It depends on how you do it. 2021.11.12 InvestKnowledge
Invest Currency Pair There are many combinations of currency pairs, but the currency pair that suits you depends on what kind of trade you want to make. Each has its own habits. 2021.11.11 InvestKnowledge
Invest Steps to decide when starting Forex How do I get started with Forex? I will explain it step by step. Introducing the procedure. 2021.11.10 InvestKnowledge
Invest Political situation affecting FX The biggest factor affecting Forex is the political situation. It has a greater impact than economic indicators. 2021.11.09 InvestKnowledge
Invest Mental state when trading When you trade, your mental state must be the same as usual. You can't win unless you're calm 2021.11.08 InvestKnowledge