

FX currency pair EUR / NZD

EUR / NZD is a slightly minor currency pair. It behaves similarly to the EUR / AUD, but tends to be slightly less volatile due to the New Zealand dollar rather than the AUD.

FX currency pair EUR / CHF

EUR / CHF is not a major currency, but it is not a minor currency because it is a currency pair of the euro currency and the Swiss franc, which have an economic zone comparable to that of the United States.

FX currency pair GBP / CHF

GBP / CHF is not a major currency. However, since it is a currency pair with a very wide price range, it is very suitable for trend following. Also suitable for scalping and day trading

FX currency pair USD / CAD

The USD / CAD combination is not a major, but it is a currency pair that is mainly traded by Americans and Canadians. As the overall trend is that there is a relationship with neighboring countries, economic indicators are also impacted in the same direction, so it is difficult to create a one-sided trend.

FX currency pair GBP / AUD

GBP / AUD is recommended for intermediate to advanced Forex players. Trends tend to come out easily, so if you go too far, please cut the loss immediately. Since the price movement is larger than the EUR / AUD, it is wise for beginners to start by learning the price movement.